We’ve committed to the second year of Project Asia, our industry-ready program to develop the cultural capabilities of Bundaberg tourism operators so that we can capitalise on visitor growth from Asia.

Last year we identified a handful of lucrative Asian target market segments that are best suited to our region. Over 20 local tourism operators participated in the program and contributed to the development of an Asia-Ready Strategy for Bundaberg.

Now we shift to the implementation phase with the continuing advice of Craig Shim from Alphacrane Intercultural Specialists.

We’re working with our local international-ready members to roll out initiatives such as making Asia-friendly product enhancements, improving how we coordinate the handling of rough weather cancellations so that we don’t lose visitors, establishing an online presence in China and making it easier for Asian visitors to find and book Bundaberg experiences before they arrive in Australia.


Even if your business isn’t international-ready we still want you to benefit from the increase of Asian visitation we expect for our region. That’s why we’ll be sharing with you a monthly video podcast featuring ideas on how you can make Asia-friendly enhancements. The podcast will also feature local case studies, news of overseas trends relevant for Bundaberg as well as updates on Project Asia.