QTIC Developing the Future of Work – Reasearch Consultation

QTIC is developing an applied workforce research report that provides industry relevant information regarding future skills and training needs.
In developing this report, QTIC is seeking advice from industry in relation to skills, training and workforce needs for the next three to five years.
The report will provide a high-level picture of the industry and identify key trends, impacts, challenges and opportunities related to Hospitality, Events and Tourism.
The focus of the Report, will provide analysis of the future skills and workforce needs over the next 3-5 years, taking into account the following factors:

a.    Projected employment and skills growth

b.    Employer-identification of known and emerging future skills needs

c.    Issues associated with the supply and demand of labour and skills

d.    Emerging industry disruption influences including

  •     Demographic factors and regional variations
  •     Emerging workforce challenges and opportunities

e.    Training and skills strategies (accredited and non-accredited) for your industry that will assist it to meet future skills needs

QTIC has engaged the University of Queensland (UQ) to lead data collection included in the applied workforce research report.  

To participate in this servery please visit: http://uqbel.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bj5rlTpjdAhHZrL

If you would like further information please send a reply email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.