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Bundaberg Today: Upskilling Opportunities

From The CEOThis new year is a great time to upskill, especially when there are so many fully funded learning opportunities being delivered online as COVID support programs for Queenslanders.

With the way of doing business increasingly going digital, many of these programs are focused on upskilling to do business in a digital environment – providing fundamental skills for a new decade. 

From the CEO

From The CEOWhat a shock this morning to get the news of the Brisbane three (3) day lockdown. 

With Brisbane our biggest visitor market into the Bundaberg Region, the phones in the VIC have been running hot this morning with cancellations for Turtles and other tours around the region, as well as other regional locals taking advantage of the Brisbane cancellations wanting to snap up turtle tickets!   

Bundaberg Today: Our Digital and Social Strategy 

From The CEOBefore visitors arrive in our region to snorkel alongside giant marine life, witness a miracle on our shores as turtles’ nest and their babies hatch, taste farm-fresh produce and sip award-winning drinks, they start dreaming and planning… and that is where we come in.

Our ‘Always On’ digital and social strategy means that our team at Bundaberg Tourism are continually engaging both digitally savvy travellers and those exploring online, to influence their decision-making and encourage potential visitors to make our region their next holiday destination.

Give It A Go In Bundaberg

ResourcesBundaberg Tourism has created a series of assets for the tourism and business community to use to encourage Australians to come work in our region. 

Contact Tracing Methods 

As of 1:00am Wednesday 23 December, all businesses in the hospitality industry including pubs, clubs, restaurants and cafes must be implementing digital record keeping of patron contact details with paper-based record keeping no longer accepted as per the the Restrictions on Businesses, Activities and Undertakings Direction.

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Bundaberg Today: Summer Holidays

From The CEOWith only one week until Christmas (how exciting!), it’s incredible to reflect on how far our local businesses and community have come since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and to see our tourism industry thriving once again.  

Thanks to the reopening of Queensland borders, all Australians and New Zealanders can now holiday in our beautiful backyard – right in time for our peak Summer period.

While we were in lockdown and sadly unable to travel, many of us spent time dreaming of all the amazing places we could go once borders reopened and with this now a reality, people are even more eager to travel this year than they were during holiday’s last year.  In fact, a recent holiday intention survey showed that more than 6 in 10 Australians intend to take a domestic holiday over summer, significantly more than 2019.  And of those Queenslanders intending to go on a holiday, 77% intend to stay in Queensland.  Great news for the Bundaberg region!   

Global Eco Asia-Pacific Tourism Conference 

The Global Eco Asia-Pacific Tourism Conference was this year held in Margaret River, WA.  Luckily for us, Bundaberg Regional Council was one of five Councils that invested in having a satellite node, and we were able to tune in to the live conference on the big screen from the Bundaberg Multiplex.  Personally, this was perfect for me, as I was able to come and go to fit in the conference content around other work commitments. 

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Bundaberg Today: Bundaberg Region's 'DNA' 

With border restrictions easing across the nation, more and more people are looking to make up for lost time with their families and friends and to explore all the places they dreamed of while in lockdown. 

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Bundaberg Today: Public Art

With more and more colourful artworks, beautiful murals and intricate statues showcasing our vibrant culture popping up throughout the region, it’s a wonderful opportunity to talk about the wealth of benefits that public art brings to our community and tourism industry.

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